Blue Bonnet_ digital oil_FN-3Apr22.jpg
Summer Rain
Summer Rain

Ink painting on rice paper

8.5 x 11.5

The Dancing Mums.jpg
Lily at Daybreak
Lily at Daybreak

Ink sketch on watercolour paper.

5.5 x 8.5

Sunflower Ink Sketch_FN.jpg
Morning Songs.
Morning Songs.

Ink painting on watercolour paper.

5.5 x 8.5

The Past and Present.
The Past and Present.

Ink painting on rice paper.

8.5 x 11.5

Tangled Mess; Beauty Rises.
Tangled Mess; Beauty Rises.

Ink painting on watercolour paper.

5.5 by 8.5


Ink painting on watercolour paper.

6 x 9

The Dancing Koi.
The Dancing Koi.

Ink painting on watercoulor paper.

5.5 x 8.5

Seven Sisters Cliff.
Seven Sisters Cliff.

A modernist/fauvist view of these chalk Cliffs near the English Channel.

Pencil and ink sketch with a watercolour overlay on linen-lined paper.


Blue Bonnet_ digital oil_FN-3Apr22.jpg
Summer Rain
The Dancing Mums.jpg
Lily at Daybreak
Sunflower Ink Sketch_FN.jpg
Morning Songs.
The Past and Present.
Tangled Mess; Beauty Rises.
The Dancing Koi.
Seven Sisters Cliff.
Summer Rain

Ink painting on rice paper

8.5 x 11.5

Lily at Daybreak

Ink sketch on watercolour paper.

5.5 x 8.5

Morning Songs.

Ink painting on watercolour paper.

5.5 x 8.5

The Past and Present.

Ink painting on rice paper.

8.5 x 11.5

Tangled Mess; Beauty Rises.

Ink painting on watercolour paper.

5.5 by 8.5


Ink painting on watercolour paper.

6 x 9

The Dancing Koi.

Ink painting on watercoulor paper.

5.5 x 8.5

Seven Sisters Cliff.

A modernist/fauvist view of these chalk Cliffs near the English Channel.

Pencil and ink sketch with a watercolour overlay on linen-lined paper.


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